
Friday, March 18, 2016

Imagination Station

This week I thought I would share a fun activity I have continued to use in our Greenville Zoo Nature Nook. We call it “nature soup” or more commonly known as “fairy soup”. Sensory play is one of my favorite activities to use as a teaching tool. It is fun, messy, and full of surprising lessons. Our nature soup is created with some water, bowls, and natural items safely gathered from the world around us. I usually find a lot of dried leaves, acorns, and flowers that have fallen to the ground. I have also added seashells and dried noodles to the assortment. You can add whatever you think will encourage the curiosity of your children. Food coloring is always fun to experiment with as well! Grab some herbs or spices from the kitchen, to add the sensory of smell.

We used sticks to stir or “cook” our creations. The kids really enjoy this activity, especially on a hot day. I have had chefs from toddler ages all the way up to early middle school take part in the fun. Getting the kids engaged is really easy, since they are not afraid to get started with touching the ingredients. Once they have had some time to touch the ingredients and start cooking their soup, I start to ask questions to help the flow of their imaginations.

What kind of soup are you making?

What do you think the flavor of your soup will be?

Who are you making your nature soup for?

Most of the time the kids know to not actually taste the soup, but you might need to watch the younger ones. At this point, the children are becoming more comfortable with sharing their ideas and they will teach me all about the recipe for their soup and exactly what animal will be eating it. This activity could go on for 10 minutes or for hours, depending on the child. Most kids need to be dragged away by their parents wanting them to continue through the zoo. I take that as a sign of accomplishment!

For further inspiration check out Merry Cherry’s blog on her nature soup. She used actual fruit slices and food coloring! 

Sending good vibes to all the little chefs!

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