
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Labor day is just around the corner. A time when family and friends relax and have fun! If your three day weekend takes you to a beach, lake or even some much deserved down time in the backyard, try this fun activity! 


I personally can't stand the feeling of dry sand in between my toes...but wet sand is a whole different squishy squashy story! Whether I am on the beach, at the lake, or in a sand pit at a friend’s house, I like to play in wet sand. I love the way it plops back to earth after being released from my hands. Or how about the way it soaks up the sun and warms your body and even gives off some of that heat just after the sun sets? A favorite activity I have is to make the sand my canvas and to draw on it with a stick as my brush. The creative possibilities of sand seem to be as numerous as the sand grains themselves.
 Take this time to teach your young explorer how to be an architect and create castles, forts, or their own Atlantis. All you need is sand, water and a bucket...beach NOT required! Let out that inner sculptor and see what unfolds. Your little one has incredible talent waiting to be unleashed. Let them learn how to manipulate the sand, build structures, and create. This may not seem like much to us, but to a child these types of activities can help to shape their minds and foster creativity.  

Check out these totally radical sand castles to inspire you.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Respecting Your Elders

Wisdom is passed down through the ages from our elders and we can learn a lot from them. August 21st is senior citizens day so let’s take a minute to think about the senior citizens of the earth…trees! Some of the oldest living things are trees. Reflect on how trees give back to us and pass on their wisdom. Imagine if you could hear the stories that trees could tell from the things have seen. What stories would you hear? This week spend some time with the trees. Lay on the ground under their shade gazing at their leaves. Wonder at all the different types of life that they support. See if their shadows make any silly shapes. Trees, big and small, have a wild spirit. These giants are quietly telling us their wisdom, let’s take time to listen. 

Also check out this fun list of the world’s 10 oldest known trees that was put together by the Mother Nature Network.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Gettin' Down & Dirty 

It can be pretty hot out there and it is important to teach children that they don’t have to run inside when the temperatures sky rocket. Dirt helps to keep animals cool in the dog days of summer so let’s get dirty too! Grab a shovel and a bucket to look for earth worms, or even build a dirt fort for any critters that you find. Pile dirt into a bucket and pour the dirt back out to see how moist and dry dirt fall differently. Even try painting with dirt! Countless colors go into making the earth; you might be surprised about how many you see. Digging in the dirt is so much fun and don’t forget that it is OK to get messy when forming a relationship with the earth. The possibilities for playing in dirt are endless…because dirt is endless!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Water…Water Everywhere!

With all the recent rain showers I couldn't help noticing how fun it is to stomp around in puddles! The way that the water tidal-waves over my bare toes always make me giggle. Let your little one splash in the cool rain puddles. Then maybe go searching for new life in lingering puddles. Frogs and bugs love to lay their eggs in these shallow pools. As you explore, discover how things sink. Use rocks or leaves to toss in a full pond and see what floats. Density is a complex concept for young minds that can be taught in your own backyard. Nature always finds a way to teach us.