
Thursday, November 5, 2015

Quiet Time

What to do in nature? Sometimes finding things to do outdoors can be distracting as to what nature has to offer. Even the added fluff of having to do an activity that is fun and also educational can be a bit stressful. We are a society that is constantly on the go and tends to forget to find some down time. Sitting in nature is an activity we commonly look over. However, just finding a quiet place outside to sit and maybe do some deep breathing can relieve a lot of added stress or anxiety. There is one thing that nature has that cannot be replaced; fresh air. Something as simple as deep breathing can drastically improve your health. Here's a link to some deep breathing exercises that can be done outside.

Maybe you have little ones who have a hard time sitting still? Making a game out of it could possibly focus their attention! Have them sit as quiet as they can and ask them what they can hear. Start with the easier sounds first: birds chirping, squirrels and dogs barking, footsteps on the crunchy leaves. Then as the game goes on, encourage them to listen for the more faint sounds in nature, Hear the wind tickle the branches. Can you hear a friend sigh as they become alert to the woods? What about a distant trickle of water? Even if it is a man-made fountain, it can be rejuvenating.
Is your should-be meditator still a wiggle worm? Don't give up on quiet time just yet! young children love to play pretend and doing so outside nourishes their connection to nature, making the woods come to life. Adding in made-up sounds can have them even more interested in the activity. Ask them what they hear and you might often get a chuckle from their answers, which can be a source of stress relief in itself! Here is a short list of different sounds you may be able to hear while sitting quietly:

Leaves Crunching
Twigs Breaking
Animal Noises (other than birds)
Wind in the trees
Acorns Falling
Fairy Whispers
Snake Slithering
People Walking

Feel free to add more to enhance the experience for you and your kids!

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